Replicate Entries

This activity copies Laserfiche entries from one Laserfiche repository to another Laserfiche repository. See the tokens this activity produces.

Example 1: Trundle, Inc. has a repository for each department. The Human Resources department has its own repository that stores general employee information, but the employee performance reviews are stored in each department’s repository (Sales, Marketing, etc.). You can use this activity to copy a completed performance review from each department’s repository to the Human Resources repository.

Example 2: The city of Trenton has three servers: one WebLink Server that is used to publish documents to the public, and two regular production servers. An employee tags a collection of documents on one of the production servers with a “publish” tag indicating that these documents should be published for public viewing. This activity can take the tagged documents and copy them from the production server to the WebLink Server for public view.

ClosedHow does this activity look in the Designer Pane?

To add this activity to a workflow definition 

To configure this activity